

好久好久都没参加过朋友的婚礼,更别说是喜宴。今年收到不少的请帖,但很多时候是因为工事不在而无法参加。身边的朋友,嫁的嫁娶的娶,有的孩子也几个了,所以剩女无几了。。嘻嘻~(ehem,敏感话题,别问我~)因为我工作的关系,很多时候都不能太早答应出不出席。所以也搞得朋友们不好意思把请帖给寄过来。但不管有没有请帖,红包都不会少。 除了刚好我家办白事时请我的朋友,因为pantang没法给红包,不好意思。多多包涵。



馬來西亞游記 北上

‘計畫永遠趕不上變化’,這句話套用在我們身上是絕配. >.< 原本是計畫到邦咯海島節,參與那邊的文化氣氛.但因為沒地方住(每家都爆滿!) 但因为假期已批,k建議北上,那我們就北上吧! m 在網上找到一間背包旅店,價格合理又有特價,而且看上去還不錯就訂了兩晚. 我們三人,我屬於最南部,k在吉隆坡,M 在怡保. 所以就以我開車從南部開始一路把他們給接了再一起到檳城去. 這一路上都沒怎麼計畫就自遊行嘛,一個輕鬆自在的旅行.走走停停,拍拍照,吃吃喝喝...但說到底還是吃吃喝喝最多.哈哈哈哈~ 三天兩夜,吃喝玩樂,無盡的歡笑,愉快的旅途. 希望我们下一次的旅行不会隔太久咯~ 這里上傳了一些這次旅行的照片. [怡保] 02-SAM_3119

午餐咖啡店的窗外. 這裡的豬肉沙爹一及棒!!










Muntri Street 的由來….嘻嘻~


哈哈哈~…. 我們三個惡魔的影子 – 凡走過必會有影子…:P


去年剩下的几天年假必须在三月前休掉,不然就当作废。也因为工作压力太大,已经是到了那种无法承受的地步,刚好是Matta Fair,马航有优惠票。自从回来到现在,还没机会到SEA国家去走走。有优惠票,有假期,就买了机票但没有住宿。上 hostelworld 看了一些评介, Little Hanoi 2的评介蛮好的,最重要的还是干净为首要.全程6天,但我也只预订了2天的住宿,其他的到时再打算.


出发的前一天,发现一位虽然只见过一次面(当时在jordan 旅行时认识的朋友),现在在河内工作。约了他(称他为E)出来吃饭聚一聚,刚巧一位前同事(简称为P) 也在就大家一起啦。。。也因为越南以前是法国殖民地的关系,当地的法国料理是非尝不可的。我们三个爱吃的(P介绍的)约了在Old quarterçš„Green Tangerine吃饭. 每一道菜都是一个惊喜. 从开胃菜到甜品,没有一道是我们不赞的.最特别的还是那三色汤. 直到现在还没办法忘记那味道… yumyum….
3 layers soup - simply amazing... each layer having different taste!

由于E脚受了伤(几个月前发生交通意外,现在还需要用拐杖走路),吃饱后(应该是吃太饱了。。)我和P决定在这城市里走走逛光,然后迷失在这古老的城市里(简单的说就是走到迷路了啦。。。)。没有目标,没有目的的边走边聊,有时会被一些建筑物或人或事或一些街边的细节吸引,停下脚步花几分钟欣赏,拍照留念。走了大概两小时,在Hoan Kiem Lake 休息,收到一朵红色玫瑰。可以说是毕业以后的第一朵花(但本人不是爱花之人)但买花人买这朵花的意义是在于帮助那卖花的小妹,所以就把它收下了。:)

The rose .... hmmm first after the graduation. :)

第二天早上出发到Halong Bay,也许是因为天气的关系,我对这地方并没有那个大家对我说的WOW it the place MUST visit~ 有点失望但对于我遇见的人却是相对的有趣。:)

Sapa 反而是这趟旅程的亮点。夜间火车从Hanoi 到 Sapa 是个难忘的经验。在这里遇见的背包客,来自不同的国家,站在走廊上聊着我们的旅程,交换意见一直到深夜才回到各自的“床位”休息。三天两夜,走了十多个小时的上山、下山,其中一个晚上在当地的原著民村子里度过,和他们一起了解他们的生活习惯。但(美好的背后总有一些不好的。。。)美中不足的是这一切都变得有点商业化,掩盖了那原本淳朴的生活。




结束这短短的个人背包游,带着满满的回忆和满足回到现实。时不时让自己让放个没有干扰的假,也算是对自己的一个补偿。:) 更多的假期会继续接总而来。。 ^.^


Social Week

This week has been my social week in Singapore. Been away and hiding behind the curtains for sometimes. Not doing it on purpose but hardly to find time with my schedule today. But I miss the talking, chatting, laughing time with all my friends. Since I’m in Singapore for the one whole week, I decided to make calls and plans with friends. A week of 5 days, 6-7 appointments the max I will do. Making use the time during lunch for a quick catch up and after work for dinner or drinks.

It is exhausting especially I will still spend 1-2 hours to catch up some works back home (sleep at odd hours and woke up the next morning like a panda!) but I’m feeling good at the same time. It always good to catch up with friends, have a good laugh, talk nonsense here and there. Been really stressed out for the past few months. This month is the worst. With the new portfolio, things that I’m working on, study and house renovation. I’ve been struggling to balance my life. But life goes on, I have friends around me who cares and can make me laugh and relieve my stress. :)

Of course not all the catch up ended up with happy ending, I do sometimes bring some burden with me too. It been awhile I meet meet up with J. The last we met was about 6 months ago. Tried to contact him several times but no response. With my schedule I did not really do a good follow up with him. Apparently he is the one who is really hiding from everyone. I was so happy that he finally replied my message and make an appointment with me for dinner together. I know about all his problems through our common friends but he never mentioned about it to me personally. I would love to help him in anyway. We know each other for almost 10 years now. Been close to each other 5-6 years ago. He is a brilliant guy, I always look up to him when I needed some advises in both personal and professional matters. I do hope that he will be more open to me too. Even though he did share some of his problems to me but still hiding something else. I wish I could help more.

After the dinner with J, I met up with P for a drink to catch up where we left out last on his visit in Paris. Have some good feedback and it makes my day. :) Before we bid goodbye, he gave me a homework to do. The question is to find what is the purpose of my life with 3 answers and list with the priority of each of them. I’m surprise that I was caught without able to provide an answer. I think it will take sometimes to answer this but I found the closest to my heart today. The quote below:

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

I will write more when I finally get the answer. :)

This week thanks to PS for her gift – it suppose to be a farewell catch up for her before she move to Shanghai. I did not get her anything but in turn she gave me the shisha bottle. Feel bad though…. thinking I should get her something for her bday. :)

Thanks M & C for the dinner and laughter. Can see that I’m very tired but you gals make my day!

The social week to continue in KL but with breaks in between. ^^